NEW ORLEANS | The Situation is on notice -- New Orleans' Republic nightclub has a new dress code posted at its entrance: "If it's on Jersey Shore, it won't get through the door."
The idea came to Nick Thomas, the club's director of programming, while watching the MTV show. "The whole thing is so funny because I was literally watching Jersey Shore in passing at 4 a.m. after being at Republic I thought, nothing would make me happier if not a single person dressed like this was in Republic. Then I thought, "Why can't that be the rule?" The club put a flier on its window at Mardi Gras and the dress code spread across Twitpix which led to a mention on NPR. "It's been well received because we have the best clientele, but I never thought the story would have this kind of national merit."
Specific brands mentioned include Affliction and Ed Hardy, but Thomas clarifies that, "The dress code isn't limited to those brands, those are just the most obvious of the Jersey Shore-esque attire." He includes "any other knock bedazzled tee shirts or hideous foil inks. The dress code isn't about the brands, but the people that wear those brands. If a big beefy guy, over worked out with way too much hair gel is copping an attitude at the door or anything within that realm, he's not getting through. Ultimately if the clientele in the club isn't starting fights or disrespecting women, everyone in the venue can have a good time."
Chaos seems to follow the Jersey Shore cast which hosted a recent Purim event in New York in which the ceiling fell in. Thomas says "I was unaware of that event, so the ban is definitely unrelated."
When asked if the staff could handle, say, a situation with Jersey Shore's resident brawler who goes by the name The Situation, Thomas was confident that Republic can, with a security staff of 10 and two always outside. "If the situation came by he would definately not get through the door. I'm not opening a floodgate to people trying to cause issues and see if we can handle it. Our security staff handles everything as passively as possible without creating fights. If the situation arises, they could take care of it." Literally and figuratively, I point out.
What if Snooki really wants to see Spoon, would she be bounced at their upcoming Republic show? "Absolutely, Thomas answers, "if Snooki is wearing anything that Snooki wears, the same Jersey Shore-esque clothing she is known for and rocking a pouf." He points out that "If Snooki has a life changing event and starts dressing like a normal human being, by all means - come and see Spoon."
My least question is whether the signature Jersey Shore fist pump in the air is part of the ban. "If someone is fist pumping in line on their way into the club, they would not be allowed in. But once inside intermittent fist pumps will be allowed. We just want a really high end clientele and feel this new dress code is great step in bringing them in."
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